Casper's very own poet
Melanie Boyes
has graciously given me
permission to display her
beautiful poems here.
When and angel goes home, the world is sad.
For it's too many smiles that won't be had.
It's laughter and sunshine and the touch of love.
That's taken from earth on the wings of a dove.
His angel gear could not be seen
But we all knew it was there.
The wings reflected in his shining eyes.
And his halo sparkled off his hair.
When an angel leaves unexpectedly.
The hurt is pain thats never been known.
And the journey's long for those left behind.
Who knew this angel wasn't yet fullgrown.
When an angel leaves the ones he loved
They feel aches that linger on.
Words from friends and others
Can't bring back this one who's gone.
But angels have a mission>
To bring happiness to all
And we can't pull wings from him
When God puts forth his mighty call.
So the earth cries tears that flood the plains
And a mother's heart will never be the same.
The emptiness is vast, we're like sheep that roam.
When God chooses to take an angel home.
But one day peace will fill our hearts
As we think of the life that played a part
In showing us that one day we will be....
Joining this angel in eternity....
by Melanie Boyes
"Can I Say Something?"
Do you hear the music playing? Are you hearing what I'm saying?
I haven't left, I'm over here can't you feel my presence near?
You cannot see me, but I am fine, don't ignore the subtle signs,
Friends, you know I can't disappear; I am not gone, I am quite near.
I hear your words and feel embraces; I see the sadness on your faces.
You try to smile through pouring tears, but I am not far, I am right here.
You just don't think the pain can stop, but every mountain has a top,
And climb you must to pass this fear; I'm at the peak, I'm waiting here.
How can I help you say goodbye, to tell you it's OK to cry?
Life is cloudy and no answer's clear, but know in thought I am right here.
I see you suffering in your grief, but my spirit's free, you must believe.
You cannot see beyond this pain, but the sun will shine after the rain.
Smile and laugh every chance you get, for you haven't finished living yet.
Be honest with your friends and kin, for you won't have this life again.
Don't waste a day on past regrets, and cast away troubles and all frets.
Quickly dry that runaway tear, then close your eyes and see me near.
Like the colors in every beautiful dawn, I am not faded, I am not gone.
Listen to words in your favorite song, the message is there, I am not gone.
Time helps heal, and with every year, your memories of me won't disappear;
In your quiet thoughts and a random tear, know I'm not gone, I am quite near.
In your hearts I'm happy, I'm loved, I'm free; I'm safely home in eternity.
by Melanie Boyes
April 10, 1999